13. edizione della DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference
EUMaster4HPC symbolic Ceremony
Towards Facilitative LLM
First edition of the Neural Wave hackathon
Vibrations of Geometric Shapes
The zero-days-to-expiration option market: opportunities, challenges and early lessons
USI Graduation ceremony - Bachelor
USI Graduation ceremony - Master and Phd
Current events
Causal reasoning for software quality engineering
Optics and Machine Learning, a seminar by Professor Demetri Psaltis
Multi-fidelity modeling of atrial fibrillation
Session-based Recommendation and Reinforcement Learning
Parallel Ultra Low Power - PULP 2023
Farewell Day Swiss TecLadies
Self-Supervised Neural Topic Modeling
Automated Support for Improving Software Quality of Mobile Apps Before and After Release
Semantic Matching for Migrating Tests Across Similar Interactive Applications
Spring Semester Project Presentations
Latent drivers for dynamic networks
Contribution-based Firing of Developers?
Programming and verification frameworks for differential privacy
Fast Weight Programmers for Greater Systematic Generalisation in Language
On the Understandability of Security Tactics for Microservice APIs
Master Meetings - Spring Semester 2023
USI Graduation Ceremony
ByteBack: Deductive Functional Verification of Bytecode programs
AI and the Rights of the Child: identifying knowledge gaps, requirements and methods needed for a respectful technology
XXVII Dies academicus