A journey through the deep learning for graphs
Long-Term Indoor Localization in Floor Plans using Semantic Cues
Consensus in Blockchain: from Gossip to Synchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance
USI incontra Federico Faggin - Oltre le percezioni: fascino e mistero della fisica quantistica
A Lugano la 13. edizione della DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference
Towards Facilitative LLM
First edition of the Neural Wave hackathon
USI Graduation ceremony - Bachelor
Current events
From online algorithms to learning-augmented online algorithms
Summer University 2023 on Effective High-Performance Computing and Data Analytics
Rationality and desirability
Frame Theory: the mathematical foundation for acoustics, quantum physics, numerics and machine learning
An introduction to minimax hypothesis testing
Making for All: including people with disabilities
Experimental relativistic zero-knowledge proofs
Elucidating the Trodusquemine Action Against Neurodegenerative Disorders by Molecular Modelling Techniques
Security in machine learning: a cryptographer's perspective
Efficient and scalable solution techniques for small data learning problems
Causal reasoning for software quality engineering
Optics and Machine Learning, a seminar by Professor Demetri Psaltis
Multi-fidelity modeling of atrial fibrillation
Session-based Recommendation and Reinforcement Learning
Parallel Ultra Low Power - PULP 2023
Farewell Day Swiss TecLadies
Self-Supervised Neural Topic Modeling
Spring Semester Project Presentations
Automated Support for Improving Software Quality of Mobile Apps Before and After Release
Semantic Matching for Migrating Tests Across Similar Interactive Applications