Faculty of Informatics at a glance
The Faculty of Informatics of USI Università della Svizzera italiana is defined by its vanguard educational model and by its passion for scientific research. Around 200 researchers from around the world conduct research in eight different macro-areas, with tens of millions of Swiss francs in competitive funding obtained to date. Over the years, the Faculty has become one of the leading research centres in Switzerland and an international point of reference in fields such as - for example - software engineering.
Commitment to research has a real impact on education through a unique teaching philosophy where the student is actively and creatively placed at the heart of the learning process. This process is based on turning theory into practice, and an open and direct dialogue with faculty members.
Fundamental research is applied, through a series of tailored public collaborations, in different contexts of timely and relevant interest, ranging from healthcare to robotics, and leading to a suitable entrepreneurial environment for innovation and start-up companies.
"Informatics is everywhere. Its impact on our everyday lives is already profound, and its reach will only deepen in the future. It is a discipline that is at the heart of today’s information society, made possible by over half a century of rigorous research. Informatics is the science of representing, organizing, storing, accessing, communicating, and processing information using a universal language and a powerful formalism to describe and analyze problems and solutions. It brings together mathematics, physics, engineering, but also psychology, sociology and design, in order to describe and automate processes with the help of computers. Informatics is a mix of imagination and skills, and also a sense of beauty. And it is absolutely fascinating!"
Marc Langheinrich, Dean
Faculty of Informatics in brief
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