13. edizione della DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference
EUMaster4HPC symbolic Ceremony
Towards Facilitative LLM
First edition of the Neural Wave hackathon
Vibrations of Geometric Shapes
The zero-days-to-expiration option market: opportunities, challenges and early lessons
USI Graduation ceremony - Bachelor
USI Graduation ceremony - Master and Phd
Current events
Il mondo in USI - Film projection in collaboration with the Human Rights Film Festival
Il mondo in USI - Opening of the exhibition "Fragile flash I Unbreakable spirit"
Il mondo in USI - Artist Han Sessions' work to be coloured!
Il mondo in USI - Round table "Academic research and freedom of speech
Computing the Riemannian center of mass on meshes
Designing modular and efficient neural networks with conditional computation
Alice in the autodiff wonderland
Code Review Automation: Strengths and Weaknesses of the State of the Art
Geometric Assignment and Geometric Bottleneck
Boolean Satisfiability Modulo Differential Equation Simulations
Informatics and computational thinking, cross-skills in school
Verifying Verified Code
Automated Verification of Blockchain Technologies with Correctness Guarantees
'Program Your Own Castle' - Developing a Self-Guided Tutorial for the Hour of Code
Automating Non-Formalized Testing Techniques via Quantification and Optimisation: The Case of Boundary Value Testing
Behaviour-Oriented Concurrency in Verona: Simple, Safe and Speedy
Sound Notional Machines
Automatic feedback and hints on steps students take when learning how to program
Foundations of Trustworthy AI for the Real World