A journey through the deep learning for graphs
Long-Term Indoor Localization in Floor Plans using Semantic Cues
Consensus in Blockchain: from Gossip to Synchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance
USI incontra Federico Faggin - Oltre le percezioni: fascino e mistero della fisica quantistica
A Lugano la 13. edizione della DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference
Towards Facilitative LLM
First edition of the Neural Wave hackathon
USI Graduation ceremony - Bachelor
Current events
Programming ________ Systems: Distributed | Collaborative | AI/LLM
Putting the Computation into Computational Thinking via CS Unplugged
Test Case Generation and Fault Localization for Data Science Programs
Children at the centre: designing technology for literacy with and for children
Unlocking Real-World Autonomous Agents
Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding towards Embodied Manipulation
A High-Performance Computing Approach to Approximate Bayesian Inference
A Hybrid Approach to Visual Perceptual Intelligence
Unlocking the Potential of Sequential Decision-Making: From Theory to Applications
Unifying Vision Representation
Spring Semester Project Presentations
USI Graduation Ceremony
25 May: Open day at IRSOL and Specola
On computable numbers, with an application to the Druckproblem
Software Systems Compliance with the AI Act
Bachelor Info Day, get to know USI in half a day
Spaces of our Own: Visions of Queer Social Media
Assessing the Understanding of Expressions: A Qualitative Study of Notional-Machine-Based Exam Questions
Exploring the Usage of Pre-trained Models for Code-Related Tasks
Workshop of the International Center for Advanced Computing in Medicine (ICAM)