A journey through the deep learning for graphs
Long-Term Indoor Localization in Floor Plans using Semantic Cues
Consensus in Blockchain: from Gossip to Synchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance
USI incontra Federico Faggin - Oltre le percezioni: fascino e mistero della fisica quantistica
A Lugano la 13. edizione della DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference
Towards Facilitative LLM
Prima edizione dell'hackathon Neural Wave
Cerimonia dei diplomi USI - Bachelor
Eventi correnti
Crowdsourcing for IR: experimentation guidelines, challenges & opportunities
Model Driven Development of Search Based Web Applications
Accessibility in Transportation Planning / Retrievability in Information Retrieval
More Efficient Query-Based Sampling
Loose Element Manager - Modelling Method & Software Concept
Performance Accountability for Optimizing Compilers
Virtual Organization Clusters and new trends in distributed computing
Harvesting Geographic Features from Heterogeneous Raster maps
Multiscale numerical simulations activities at ICIMSI
Informatics Seminar on Monday, July 6th, 13.30 - Michael Franz
Informatics Seminar on Friday, July 3rd, 10.30 - Adrian Perrig
Informatics Seminar on Friday, June 26th at 15.30 - Filippo Menczer
Informatics Seminar on Thursday, June 25th at 14.30 - Prof. Alexandre Bergel
Talks@IDSIA: Two talks by Prof Markus Hutter
USI/UZH Workshop on P2P Systems, June 17th
Field Progeammable Compressor Tree(FPCT): A reconfiguarable hard IP block to improve FPGA performance for arithmetic circuits. Seminar by Alessandro Cervero, June 17th, 17.00
Approximability of Some Classical Graph and Scheduling Problems
Informatics Seminar on Wednesday, June 10th, 15.30 - Prof. Paolo Boldi
Informatics Seminar on Wednesday, June 10th, 13.30 - Christoph Reichenbach
Informatics Seminar on Monday, June 8th at 15.30 - Niranjan Suri