Best paper award at CoNEXT '20 for PhD alumnus Theo Jepsen


Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

21 Dicembre 2020

Congratulations to our recent PhD alumnus Theo Jepsen for the best paper award at the 16th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT ’20).

The paper titled "Forwarding and Routing with Packet Subscriptions" proposes the design and implementation of a new networking abstraction in which the end points specify which packets they want to receive using "subscriptions"--i.e., queries in a high-level language. Subscriptions are expressive enough to realize traditional approaches to forwarding as well as content-centric schemes.
For example, a node in a financial exchange might request all messages with all trades involving a given company with prices above a certain threshold.
As a prototype implementation, Theo developed a compiler from subscriptions to the P4 network programming language, which allows subscriptions to run at line rate on the Barefoot Networks Tofino programmable ASIC.

This work was done in collaboration with researchers at Barefoot Networks, Cornell University, and USI professors Antonio Carzaniga and Robert Soulé.