SOLARNET-FoMICS Summer School on "Solar spectropolarimetry: From virtual to real observations"


Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

27 Agosto 2019

The Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno (IRSOL), in collaboration with the Institute of Computational Science (ICS) and the Swiss Graduate Program Foundations in Mathematics and Informatics for Computer Simulations in Science and Engineering (FoMICS), have the pleasure to announce the SOLARNET-FoMICS Summer School on "Solar spectropolarimetry: From virtual to real observations" at USI in Lugano, Switzerland, from September 9-14, 2019.

This summer school is part of the SOLARNET Summer School Programme and it is intended to provide PhD students and early career researchers with competence and skills for the interpretation of spectropolarimetric observational data with the help of synthetic data from numerical simulations. The school program introduces techniques and practical examples for the production of virtual (synthetic) data and comparison to real observational data, photospheric and chromospheric. This includes hands-on activities with spectropolarimetric radiative transfer codes and handling of simulation data. It also provides insights into the world of realistic numerical simulations and their limits including a view on supercomputing and the CSCS supercomputing center. Access to and use of observational polarimetric data and techniques of high precision polarimetry is also subject of the school.


• Techniques for the production of virtual data and comparison to real observational data
• Hands-on activities with spectropolarimetric radiative transfer codes and handling of simulation data
• Insights into the world of numerical simulations
• Access and use of observational polarimetric data and techniques of high precision polarimetry
• Introduction to supercomputing at CSCS


• Juan Manuel Borrero (KIS, Freiburg)
• Adur Pastor Yabar (KIS, Freiburg)
• Jaime de la Cruz Rodríguez (ISP, Univ. Stockholm)
• Flavio Calvo (ISP, Univ. Stockholm)
• Matthias Kraushaar (CSCS, Lugano)
• Renzo Ramelli (IRSOL, Locarno)
• Oskar Steiner (IRSOL, Locarno; KIS Freiburg)


For further information and full programme, please visit the website here.