Less (Data) Is More: Why Small Data Hold The Key To The Future Of Artificial Intelligence

Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

Data: 24 Giugno 2019 / 10:30 - 11:30

USI Lugano Campus, room SI-003, Informatics building (Via G. Buffi 13)

Jacopo Tagliabue, Tooso, USA

It is known that big data holds the key to enterprise successes and that AI is going to replace humanity. Well, are we sure? While these claims may indeed capture some truth, they have also been massively oversold. The first part of the talk provides a qualified defense of the value of less data within the context of AI. We will discuss two problems for big data driven AI, namely a) the limited track record of DL in key areas such as NLP and b) the regulatory and business significance of being able to learn from few data points. In the second part of the talk, we will discuss what we call "A.I. with humans and for humans," namely an AI paradigm whereby the systems we build are privacy-oriented and focused on human-machine collaboration, not competition. Overall, we believe the future of AI is bright but we have to steer it in the right direction: less data, not more, and more humans, not less.

Jacopo Tagliabue is co-founder and CTO at Tooso, an AI startup with offices in Milan and San Francisco. Before Tooso, he has been a "Best & Brightest" fellow at the Santa Fe Institute and led the Data Science team of AxonVibe in New York. In previous lives, he managed to get a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science (UNISR/MIT), do data science for a professional basketball team and contribute academically to several fields (computer science, computational social sciences, cognitive sciences, and ontology). His research and industry work has been featured several times in the press.

Host: Prof. Michele Lanza