Challenges in Embedded System Design

Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

Data d'inizio: 24 Novembre 2010

Data di fine: 25 Novembre 2010


Workshop "Challenges in Embedded System Design":
Involvement of SMEs in Designing Complex Systems (CMM 2010)
November 24th, 2010, Lugano, Switzerland
Room SI-003, USI Università della Svizzera italiana

Web site:
Timing:         10.30 -12.30

The organizers of CMM 2010 are glad to invite you to participate to the workshop. The program will be as follows.

A workshop organized with the collaboration of:
COMES Educational Project - a Nano-Tera Educational project - MULTICUBE - an FP7 project - MADNESS - an FP7 project -

For many applications, complexity of embedded systems has been steadily increasing in the past ten years, leading to new challenges when designing hardware and software. Innovative methodologies for reaching optimal solutions have been proposed: compared to the "monolithic" design tool-chain traditionally offered by the big EDA providers, flexible frameworks appear to offer attractive possibilities, in particular for the SMEs that increasingly face the design challenge. In fact, two aspects deserve discussing:

  • How can SMEs fit as providers of tools in the new design environment? Under what conditions could their offer be meaningful and successful?
  • As Embedded Systems designers, SMEs face a number of constraints - from cost to design time to strict customer requirements - that a-priori limit their design freedom. How is it possible to meet such constraints and yet propose innovation and optimization?

Some recent (or on-going) EU projects dealing with design of complex embedded systems have involved SMEs as active partners: Workshop speakers will discuss their experiences and outline future lines of evolution. An initial Round-Table presentation will be followed by interventions and discussion open to all participants.

--- Workshop Organizers:-------------------------
Giovanni De Micheli (EPFL)
Mariagiovanna Sami (USI)
Cristina Silvano (Politecnico di Milano)

--- Contact Information: ------------------------

Ms Daniela Dimitrova
ALaRI - Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, SWITZERLAND
Tel: +41 58 666 4709
Mail: [email protected]
More info at: