Informatics Seminar on Monday May 19 at10.30 - Olaf Zimmermann

Decanato - Facoltà di scienze informatiche

Data d'inizio: 19 Maggio 2008

Data di fine: 20 Maggio 2008

The Faculty of Informatics is pleased to announce a seminar given by Olaf Zimmermann


TITLE: Making the right architectural decisions with SOA Decision Modeling and Architectural Decision Knowledge Wiki

SPEAKER: Olaf Zimmermann

DATE: Monday, May 19th, 2008

PLACE: USI Università della Svizzera italiana, room SI-006, Informatics building (Via G. Buffi 13)

TIME: 10.30-12.30



Software architects view systems under construction from multiple viewpoints such as the 4+1 logical, development, physical, process, and scenario viewpoints used in the Unified Process; methods and tools for software architects typically center on such structural viewpoints. The capturing of architectural decision rationale and knowledge, however, is another essential viewpoint, which has been neglected by software architecture research so far; existing tools and templates for this viewpoint do not meet the wants and needs of practicing architects.


In this lecture, we first present two large-scale SOA industry projects to motivate the need for architectural decision modeling. Next, we introduce a domain meta model for architectural decision capturing and a reusable SOA decision model harvested from full lifecycle projects since 2001. We also investigate selected decisions such as the selection of message exchange patterns and configuration of system transaction boundaries in detail.

After that, we demonstrate how to capture architectural decisions and alternatives in Architectural Decision Knowledge Wiki, a Web 2.0 collaboration system and application wiki supporting decision maker collaboration over the Web. Domain meta model, reusable SOA decision model and application wiki jointly support real-world usage scenarios such as project team education, architecture design method support, and facilitation of technical quality assurance reviews and SOA governance.




Olaf Zimmermann is a research staff member at the IBM Zurich Research Lab and an Open Group Master certified and IBM senior certified executive IT architect. His research focuses on using architectural decisions models to support collaborative SOA construction activities. Previously, Olaf was a solution architect, helping IBM clients design enterprise-scale SOA/Web services and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) solutions on numerous service projects. He has also educated practitioners around the world on emerging middleware technologies. At the beginning of his career, Olaf worked as a scientific consultant at the IBM European Networking Center (ENC) in Heidelberg, Germany. He is a regular conference speaker and an author of the Springer textbook Perspectives on Web Services. Olaf holds a graduate "Diplom-Informatiker" degree in computer science from the Technical University in Braunschweig, Germany.