
Guide to the website of the Faculty of Informatics

This page introduces the structure of the website of the Faculty of Informatics, and helps you find the main information (what you can find where, and where you can find what) by means of:

  • the short video above;
  • a more detailed text, in the form of questions (below).  

This guide is particularly aimed at the Faculty of Informatics community, but other users may also find it helpful.  


How is the Faculty of Informatics website structured?

The Faculty of Informatics website is organized into five main sections which you can reach and surf using the main menu:

  • About. This section contains general information on who the Faculty is (portrait, key figures, history, mission), the Faculty’s organizational structure, its people, its partnerships, and on how to work with the Faculty.
  • Study. This section contains information on the study curricula offered by the Faculty (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD programme, Auditing classes), providing all related information for prospective students to apply for and organize their studies. The section also contains practical information for enrolled students, under the heading Other information.    
  • Research. This section contains information on the scientific research carried out at the Faculty and how to do research at the Faculty.
  • Practicalities. This section provides access to the principal practical information for the academic community: academic calendar, schedules, information on exams, regulations and forms, information on theses and diplomas, list of courses, language courses, certificates, Dean's office and services, ...


Where can I find the main menu?

The main menu is located as follows:

  • desktop version: in the top part of the page, under the logo; it is yellow-coloured;
  • ​tablet and mobile version: “hamburger” icon, up on the left, above the name of the Faculty.  

> See attachment


What else can I find on the homepage?

Desktop version

Next to the menu you will find the search within site function (“Search”).

Above the menu at the top of the page you will find:

  • the command for switching language;
  • links to tools such as InfoDesk (the USI portal for practical information), the Directory and this guide on the right;
  • navigation by user, at the top and in the centre. It is a group of links to pages collecting specific information for types of user.

Below the menu you will find different content layers such as:

  • news;
  • events;
  • quick links to institutes supported by the Faculty;
  • quick links to the study curricula offered by the Faculty;
  • quick links to various practical information on Academic life, Administration, On and around campus, Tools and resources;
  • the “upper-footer”, a quick link bar coloured in grey;
  • the footer providing contact details, directions and quick links to information on USI.   

See attachment


Tablet and mobile version

Next to the “hamburger” menu you will find:

  • the drop-down list “Info for”, containing the navigation by the type of user (see above);
  • the command for switching language.

Below the name of the Faculty, the other homepage content layers are displayed: news, events, ... (see above).  

The search within site function and the links to the principal “tools” are located in the bottom part of the screen:

  • the “lens” icon triggers the search within site function;
  • the “address book” icon leads to USI Directory;
  • the “i” icon leads to the InfoDesk;
  • the icon shaped as a “branched” structure opens the upper-footer (see above).   

See attachment


Where can I find schedules, information on exams, academic calendar, regulations and forms and other practical information?

In the Practicalities section. This section gives you access to the principal practical information. You can reach and surf this section from the main menu.

See attachment


Are there any other paths to practical information?

  • enrolled students and academic staff can use the navigation by user: the Students page, the PhD students and the Academic staff page, located at the top-right on the desktop version, top and centre (“Info per”) in the tablet and mobile version;

  • all users:
    a) can go to the  InfoDesk (desktop version: link up at the top-right; tablet and mobile version: link at the bottom of the screen – “i” icon) and explore / search for;
    b) can use the quick links layer in the lower part of the homepage.

See attachment


The pages included in the Practicalities section, or the pages dedicated to Students, PhD students or Academic staff, or the quick links in the lower part of the homepage often redirect me to pages which are not inside the Faculty website, in particular on the InfoDesk - What is the InfoDesk? Is the practical information the same whatever the path?

The practical information is always the same. It is mainly gathered in the InfoDesk - - and the Faculty website provides a “targeted” point of access to them.

InfoDesk - - is the web portal collecting practical information for the whole academic community. The InfoDesk features a series of highlights. You can search by keywords or using the available filters, “Targets”, “Faculties”, and “Tags”, and can be organized as "more relevant", "most viewed", "last modified" and "last viewed".


Where can I find the Directory (search for people)?

The link to the Directory is at the top-right of the page; from tablets and mobile phones, it can be reached by clicking on the address book icon.

See attachment


Who manages News and Events?

News is fed by two sources:

  • the corporate news concerning the Faculty of Informatics added by the Media and Communication Service; this news is also available on the USI main website (;
  • the news added by the Faculty; this news is not available on the USI main website (

Events are fed by two sources:

  • ​the events added by the Faculty;
  • the events added by the institutes and organizational units supported by the Faculty.

All the events are, or can be, available on the USI main website too (


Who designed the layout of the Faculty website? And who set up the structure and contents?

The layout has been designed by the agency CCRZ according to the new USI graphic design, and slightly adapted by USI services for user experience reasons.

The structure and contents have been suggested and set up by the Media and Communication Service, and reviewed and approved by the Faculty. 


Many things have changed compared to the old website, which was online up to November 2018. Where are the “For you”, “Education” and “Highlights” sections now?

The For you section – navigation by type of user – has been explicitly located at the top-right of the page; on tablets and mobile phones, it is shown at the top – in the centre – with a drop-down menu called “Info for”. The users list has also been revised.

The Education section is now called Study. The old section also featured some practical information (list of courses, language courses, study-abroad programme) that can now be accessed through the Practicalities section, and/or the page dedicated to StudentsPhD students and Academic staff, the quick links in the lower part of the homepage, and/or the InfoDesk portal.

The Highlights section has been replaced by News and events. The old section also featured the job offers database that can now be accessed through About > Work with us. It also included a link to resources and services that can now be accessed through the Practicalities section, and/or the page dedicated to StudentsPhD students and Academic staff, the quick links in the lower part of the homepage, and/or the InfoDesk portal.


Can I still use the old website?

It is no longer possible to surf the old website. The old website is now available in static form upon request.


Who can I contact if I cannot find specific content?

[email protected]