A journey through the deep learning for graphs
Long-Term Indoor Localization in Floor Plans using Semantic Cues
Consensus in Blockchain: from Gossip to Synchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance
USI incontra Federico Faggin - Oltre le percezioni: fascino e mistero della fisica quantistica
A Lugano la 13. edizione della DACH+ Energy Informatics Conference
Towards Facilitative LLM
First edition of the Neural Wave hackathon
USI Graduation ceremony - Master and Phd
Current events
Towards Analysis-based Program Debugging
Automatic Parameter Recommendation for Practical API Usage
From Under-approximations to Over-approximations and Back
DSOL: a declarative approach to self-adaptive service orchestrations
Usage and improvement of Krylov subspace recycling methods
Research and Development at Facebook
Double Degree Agreement signed with Politecnico di Milano
Making Architectural Knowledge Sustainable
Challenging Retrieval Scenarios: Social Media and Linked Open Data
Criteria of geographic relevance
Modeling of Market Behavior in Different Scales Using Multi-agent Simulation of Participants' Cognitive Behavior
Authorship Attribution Based on a Probabilistic Topic Model
Combining atomistic and coarse-grained models to simulate soft matter
Mathematical modeling of yeast stress response and cell cycle regulation
Embedded system security: can we trust our devices
From labs to cities: Mapping the social impact of ubiquitous technologies
User Engagement: A Scientific Challenge
Parallel Propositional Satisfiability Solving
From garments to granules: principled simulation of collisions and contact
Exploiting Modern High Performance Architectures with Barnes-Hut Tree Codes