Research at the Faculty of Informatics at a glance
The Faculty of Informatics conducts scientific research in eight macro-areas:
- Computational Science
- Computer Systems
- Geometric and Visual Computing
- Information Systems
- Intelligent Systems
- Programming Languages
- Software Engineering
- Theory and Algorithms
About 200 professors and researchers - from 40 different countries - carry out enterprising and competitive research projects, oriented both to knowledge development and to application, in the context of a network that includes academic and business partners at international, national and local level.
Concerning research, the Faculty of Informatics aims at making an impact in the field. Since its establishment in 2004, the Faculty has succeded in:
- earning over 80 million francs on a competitive basis, with an average - in recent years - of around 7.5 million a year;
- earning 12 ERCs, prestigious European research funds, and about 50 scientific awards, including a Marcel Benoist (the "Swiss nobel Prize");
- reaching thanks to its professors more than 70,000 citations within the academic literature scanned by Google Scholar (since 2008).
The Faculty has thus become one of the main research centres in Switzerland and an international reference institution in fields such as - for example - software engineering.
Further evidence of the value of the scientific research conducted at the Faculty are the young researchers who, after their doctorate, have been chosen by companies and institutions such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Red Hat, Oracle, IBM, Cornell University, Imperial College London, London University College, New York University, EPFL, TU Delft, University of Washington, Indiana University.
Where informatics is passion
The scientific research carried out at USI Faculty of Informatics is driven by a strong passion for informatics, considered as a new way for people to associate with reality; a new universal language, which pervades almost every aspect of our daily life and represents today one of the most fascinating ways to shape reality with creativity and elegance.
The Faculty is an always buzzing, dynamic, and cooperative environment, where projects and ideas grow and develop in favour of the transfer of technology. The knowledge and skills derived from research are increasingly applied to different contexts of great relevance, giving rise to an entrepreneurial atmosphere open to innovation and to start-ups.
Explore our macro areas
Computational Science
Applied Mathematics, Computational Methods, Fast Solvers, Finite Elements, High Performance Computing, Nonsmooth Methods, Numerical Algorithms, Numerical Optimization.
Computer Systems
Autonomic Computing, Cloud Computing, Computer Architecture, Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Mobile Computing, Security, Self-Adaptive Systems, Service-oriented Computing.
Geometric and Visual Computing
Information Systems
Intelligent Systems
Artificial Intelligence, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Optimization, Pattern Recognition, Robotics.
Programming Languages
Compilers, Modularity, Optimizations, Program Analysis, Program Verification, Runtime Systems, Semantics.
Software Engineering
Software Architecture, Software Evolution, Software Performance, Software Testing and Analysis, Software Visualization, Web Engineering.
Theory and Algorithms
Complexity, Cryptography and Quantum Information, Discrete Algorithms, Geometric Algorithms, Logic, SAT.