
Enrique Ruspini Meritorious Service Award 2024 for Cesare Alippi


Institutional Communication Service

13 July 2023

Cesare Alippi, Professor and Pro-rector for internationalisation at Università della Svizzera italiana and Scientific Director of the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA USI-SUPSI), has been selected to receive the Enrique Ruspini Meritorious Service Award 2024 "for services to educational and international activities of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society".

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE CIS) is one of the world's leading technology trade associations, bringing together practitioners, experts and researchers in the field of computational intelligence (part of artificial intelligence) planning and providing relevant initiatives, conferences and scientific journals.

The prestigious award is given by the IEEE CIS Awards Committee and consists of a US$1500 prize. The award ceremony will be held in Tokyo in 2024 as part of the World Congress in Computational Intelligence event. "Active presence in professional associations is one of the elective tasks that a researcher has to perform in order to promote science, create contacts and collaborations, and provide visibility to their institution. I am delighted that my contribution over two decades has been recognised as valuable by the IEEE CIS" said Professor Alippi.

Professor Cesare Alippi is an IEEE Fellow, ELLIS Fellow, and, formerly, member of the IEEE CIS Administrative Committee and past Vice-President Education of the IEEE CIS, associate editor of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, IEEE-Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE-Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence and member and chair of many IEEE committees.

This award joins the constellation of awards obtained by Professor Alippi, who in 2018 received the IEEE CIS Outstanding Computational Intelligence Magazine paper award, in 2016 the Gabor Award from the International Neural Networks Society and the IEEE Outstanding Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Paper Award; in 2013 the IBM Faculty award; in 2004 the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society Young Engineer Award.

On 26 September 2023, at the event organised to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Studies IDSIA USI-SUPSI, Prof. Cesare Alippi, recently appointed Scientific Director, will give his inaugural lecture. A networking reception will follow, during which guests will be able to discover some of the institute's innovative projects.To attend the event, you must register by Friday, 8 September 2023 at


//Cesare Alippi is Pro-Rector for internationalisation at USI, Professor at USI Faculty of Informatics and at the Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Visiting Professor at Guandong University of Technology, Guangzhou (China), and Advisory Professor at Northwestern Polytechnic in Xi'An (China). He has been Visiting Researcher / Professor at UCL (UK), MIT (US), ESPCI (France), CASIA (China), A*STAR (Singapore) and UKobe (Japan). Cesare Alippi is an IEEE and an ELLIS Fellow, sits on the Board of Governors of the International Neural Network Society, and has served the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society in various roles, including member of the Administrative Committee, Vice-President and chair of the Awards committee. Alippi has received several international awards including the International Neural Networks Society Gabor award. His research is positioned at the intersection of machine learning and intelligent dedicated systems, with a focus on Adaptation and learning in non-stationary environments, Graph learning and Intelligence for embedded, IoT and cyber-physical systems. He holds eight patents, has published a monograph book (also translated into Chinese), edited seven books and is (co-)author of about 250 scientific articles in international journals and conference proceedings.