Welcome Prof. Chee Yap from NYU to the Faculty of Informatics


Institutional Communication Service

1 October 2018

Prof. Chee Yap of the Department of Computer Science of the Courant Institute of Mathematical Science at New York University will be joining USI Faculty of Informatics for the visiting professor program for the fall semester 2018/19.

Prof. Yap’s research interests include computational geometry, algebraic and topological computation, algorithmic robotics, algorithms and complexity, and visualization. He has published over 180 papers in major conferences and journals. Since 1990s, he has worked on numerical non-robustness, especially issues at the interface between numerical, algebraic and topological computation. Since 2010s, he extended the exact computational paradigm to embrace soft methods that avoid the Zero problem of exact computation. With his students and collaborators, he developed the open-source Core Library to bring robust computation out of the research realm to make it widely accessible to all programmers.