Why developers don't like BPM and how research can help

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Start date: 13 February 2017

End date: 14 February 2017


Daniel Lübke


Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany


Monday, February 13, 2017


USI Lugano Campus, room SI-003, informatics building (Via G. Buffi 13)






BPM is an important topic in organizations. With digitization and the ongoing quest for lowering costs and improving quality BPM should be even more important. However, many software development organizations don't employ BPMS or similar tooling. Some developers even seem to hate it and dismiss it as being "enterprisey." This talk will give a highly subjective view on a subset of reasons and what steps should be taken to address these.




Daniel Lübke is Principal Consultant at innoQ and has a lecturership at the Leibniz Universität Hannover. He supports customers in service-orientation and BPM project. Before joining innoQ in 2009, Daniel did his PhD at the Software Engineering Group in Hannover, Germany. He is author of many articels and speaker at industry and academic conferences.




Prof. Cesare Pautasso