Managing Software Development using Predictive Visual Software Analytics

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Start date: 24 April 2015

End date: 25 April 2015

The Advanced Learning and Research Institute, Faculty of Informatics is pleased to announce a seminar given by Felix Salfner

DATE: Friday, April 24th 2015
PLACE: USI Lugano Campus, Room SI-003, Informatics Building (Via G. Buffi 13)
TIME: 14.00-17.00

The software industry is currently facing a management challenge. Similar to other business areas, managing the software development is undergoing a transition from decision making based on intuition towards a fact-based and predictive analytics-driven approach. The seminar will discuss challenges in software development management and will present solutions how such challenges can be mastered using visual software analytics.

Felix Salfner studied Computer Engineering at the Technical University Berlin. He received his doctoral degree in 2008 from Humboldt University Berlin for his work on computer failure prediction. He continued to work on the topic of proactive fault management at the International Computer Science Institute at Berkeley, California and at the Humboldt University Berlin. In 2011 he joined SAP and helped to set up the SAP Innovation Center at Potsdam. Since 2014 he works as chief product officer and senior consultant at Software Diagnostics, a startup providing a decision support system for software development management.

HOST: Prof. Miroslaw Malek