Build you first drone with Ated4Kids at USI

Foto di succo Wikimedia Commons
Foto di succo Wikimedia Commons

Institutional Communication Service

9 January 2017

USI will host on its Lugano campus, starting on January 28, a series of courses on how to build a professional drone, with the assistance of experts and by using a kit that will teach young kids aged 8 to 15 about the components and how to pilot such aeromobiles. The program, called "My first drone", is intended to foster knowledge and encourage kids to embrace technology and informatics.

The courses are spread out over 14 weekend mornings in 2017. Participants are accompanied by a parent who will be an active part of the project. Between courses, further assistance will be provided by experts - mentors, including USI informatics students - at dedicated evening or daily sessions to help participants with the building of their drone.


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