USI in ascolto for the entire academic community


Institutional Communication Service

20 September 2023

USI in ascolto, the support space promoted by Università della Svizzera italiana through the Equal Opportunities Service, is now open to the entire academic community (academic, administrative and student body) and expands its offer and staff.

USI in ascolto is a service launched by the Equal Opportunities Service in December 2020. It provides a safe and confidential space for people who may be struggling or experiencing discomfort. Initially, the service was available only to students, but it is now open to all members of the academic and administrative community. In addition, USI in ascolto also offers training courses on psychological wellbeing in the workplace and organises events to raise awareness of mental health issues in the psychological field.

USI in ascolto guarantees the utmost confidentiality and offers free online and in-person counselling services (maximum five). During these sessions, individuals are accompanied in understanding their moment of individual, relational and/or social difficulty. They are helped, through the activation of their own internal and external resources, to develop strategies to overcome it. It's important to note that this is not a diagnostic or psychotherapy intake, but rather a brief support course for individuals who are experiencing a situation of particular criticality and/or personal discomfort.

Since July, in addition to the contact person Rosalba Morese, USI in ascolto has been joined by a new professional: Margherita Luciani, a psychologist with training in psychotherapy.

For further information, visit the dedicated USI in ascolto web page.