"Not just another user study": Uncovering systematic shortcomings of familiar research methods

Staff - Faculty of Informatics

Date: 10 August 2022 / 15:30 - 16:30

USI Campus EST, room D0.02, Sector D

Speaker: Jason Wiese, University of Utah, United States

In this talk I explore limitations of HCI methods we have encountered in my research group’s recent projects, including work with individuals who have had a spinal cord injury and a project examining air quality data with parents of asthmatic children. In both cases, there were relatively obvious considerations we needed to make to accommodate research with these participants. However, there was something more subtle lurking underneath: in both cases there were also deeper methodological challenges that would have led to an incomplete picture of those user populations. I argue that researchers and practitioners in human-computer interaction, and more broadly across computing, have a responsibility to interrogate ourselves; to ask in earnest “How do our methods fall short, and whom do we harm in those shortcomings?”

Jason Wiese is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah where he leads the Personal Data and Empowerment Lab (PeDEL). His research takes a user-centric perspective of personal data, everyday computing experiences, and end-user empowerment. His work spans personal informatics, accessibility, privacy, user-centered design, and real-world deployments. Dr. Wiese’s research excellence has been recognized by paper awards at DIS, CHI, and EICS, and through individual awards, including: an NSF CAREER award in 2022, recognition as a Yahoo Fellow in 2014, the Stu Card Fellowship in 2012, and the Yahoo! Key Scientific Challenges Award in 2011. He publishes work in top Computer Science and HCI venues including CHI, DIS, CSCW, and IMWUT. He received his Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction from Carnegie Mellon University in 2015.

Host: Prof. Silvia Santini