EN3PRENEUR: Entrepreneurs today... ready for tomorrow! - Online event


Institutional Communication Service

Date: 16 March 2021 / 14:30

The online event "EN3PRENEUR: Entrepreneurs today... future-proof!", organised by Lugano Living Lab (a project born in collaboration with USI) and dedicated to present and future entrepreneurship, will be held on Tuesday, 16 March, from 2:30 pm.

A day of in-depth analysis on the theme of entrepreneurship, with particular reference to the approach that a modern entrepreneur should have to face the challenges of the 21st century. Without the arrogance of having the recipe of how the entrepreneur will be in 2030, at least with the awareness of how this role can be interpreted in the present.

The event will feature, among others: Jeanne Mengis, Professor Organisational Communication at USI and Director of the Institute of Marketing and Corporate Communication (IMCA), and Michael Bronstein, Professor at USI Faculty of Informatics.

The event, free and open to all, will be held in Italian and English.

More information about the event programme, contents and registration at this link