The first Interdisciplinary Students' Conference of Switzerland


Institutional Communication Service

28 March 2019

The First Interdisciplinary Students’ Conference of Switzerland will be held in Zurich on 12 and 13 April. During the event, Bachelor and Master students hailing from all over Switzerland will present their own scientific projects. Leonardo Conte, for the field of Economics, and Emanuele Martinelli for Philosophy, will be the two students who will represent USI at the conference. Participation is free and open to all interested parties upon registration.

The event will be held at University of Zurich and will follow the same approach as most scientific conventions, though it will feature presentations of theses by students and graduates (1 year from graduation), or general projects produced for Bachelor and Master classes. 

A total of 48 scientific theses will be presented at the conference, in the form of an oral presentation or as part of the poster exhibition on themes ranging from humanities to physics, from mathematics to sociology, from economics to education, from psychology to biology, and many others.

In this context, Leonardo Conte – a new graduate from USI Master in Economia e politiche internazionali and currently PhD student – and Emanuele Martinelli – enrolled in USI Master in Philosophy – will present their projects, respectively in the field of economics “Quantitative methods for economic sciences: a critical analysis”, and philosophy “The Politics of Blockchain - From primus inter pares to peer-to-peer”.

The conference will also feature: 

  • About 20 workshops offered by companies and institutions; 
  • The chance to take part in the Science Slam Zurich, a battle among researchers who will only have 10 minutes to present their projects and win the favour of the audience;
  • A panel discussion on "Research-based learning and teaching at Swiss universities and colleges" with Michael Hengartner, Rector of University of Zurich and President of swissuniversities; Angelika Kalt, Director Swiss National Science Foundation; and Peter Tremp, Head of Higher Education Didactics at the Lucerne University of Teacher Education (PH Luzern).     

In addition, social moments where participants will be able to meet and discuss with students from all over Switzerland.


All students interested in taking part in the conference can do so by registering for free at:

The event is promoted by the Student Association University of Zurich.

More information at: