Spring Semester Projects Presentations - Faculty of Informatics
Staff - Faculty of Informatics
Start date: 28 May 2010
End date: 29 May 2010
The Faculty of Informatics is pleased to invite you to the Spring Semester Projects Presentations that will take place in the Auditorium on Friday, May 28th, from 14:00 to 15:45.
The event will include presentations from students of the Programming Fundamentals II class, Software Atélier IV and Theory of Computation, as well as Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction Design.
- 14:00 Introduction (M. Lanza)
- 14:05 PF2 Presentations (M. Hauswirth)
- 14:25 SA4 Presentations (M. D'Ambros)
- 14:45 Computer Graphics (K. Hormann)
- 14:55 Theory of Computation (N. Sharygina)
- 15:10 Human-Computer Interaction Design (M. Langheinrich & M. Landoni)
- 15:40 AI Cup (L. Gambardella)
- 15:45 Apero