before 1900
before 2000
Continuity and convexity of projections and barycentric coordinates in convex polyhedra
John A. Kalman, 1961
A rational basis for function approximation
Eugene L. Wachspress, 1971
A rational basis for function approximation. II: Curved sides
Eugene L. Wachspress, 1973
Pseudo-harmonic interpolation on convex domains
William J. Gordon and James A. Wixom, 1974
A Rational Finite Element Basis
Eugene L. Wachspress, 1975
Rational basis functions for curved elements
Eugene L. Wachspress, 1979
High-order curved finite elements
Eugene L. Wachspress, 1981
A pentagonal surface patch for computer aided geometric design
Peter Charrot and John A. Gregory, 1984
A multisided generalization of Bézier surfaces
Charles T. Loop and Tony D. DeRose, 1989
Computing discrete minimal surfaces and their conjugates
Ulrich Pinkall and Konrad Polthier, 1993
Multiresolution analysis of arbitrary meshes
Matthias Eck, Tony DeRose, Tom Duchamp, Hugues Hoppe, Michael Lounsbery, and Werner Stuetzle, 1995
Barycentric coordinates for convex polytopes
Joe Warren, 1996
Parametrization and smooth approximation of surface triangulations
Michael S. Floater, 1997
Reflection space image based rendering
Brian Cabral, Marc Olano, and Philip Nemec, 1999
Barycentric rational interpolation with no poles and high rates of approximation
Michael S. Floater and Kai Hormann
Harmonic coordinates for character articulation
Pushkar Joshi, Mark Meyer, Tony DeRose, Brian Green, and Tom Sanocki
A general geometric construction of coordinates in a convex simplicial polytope
Tao Ju, Peter Liepa, and Joe Warren
Mean value coordinates for arbitrary spherical polygons and polyhedra in R³
Torsten Langer, Alexander Belyaev, and Hans-Peter Seidel
Mean value Bézier surfaces
Torsten Langer and Hans-Peter Seidel
GPU-assisted positive mean value coordinates for mesh deformations
Yaron Lipman, Johannes Kopf, Daniel Cohen-Or, and David Levin
A unified, integral construction for coordinates over closed curves
Scott Schaefer, Tao Ju, and Joe Warren
Deriving the continuity of maximum-entropy basis functions via variational analysis
N. Sukumar and Roger J-B Wets
Overview and construction of meshfree basis functions: from moving least squares to entropy approximants
N. Sukumar and Roy W. Wright
Discrete Laplace operators: No free lunch
Max Wardetzky, Saurabh Mathur, Felix Kälberer, and Eitan Grinspun
Barycentric coordinates for convex sets
Joe Warren, Scott Schaefer, Anil N. Hirani, and Mathieu Desbrun
The adjoint for an algebraic finite element
Gautam Dasgupta and Eugene L. Wachspress
Basis functions for concave polygons
Gautam Dasgupta and Eugene L. Wachspress
Pointwise radial minimization: Hermite interpolation on arbitrary domains
Michael S. Floater and Christian Schulz
Maximum entropy coordinates for arbitrary polytopes
Kai Hormann and N. Sukumar
Reusable skinning templates using cage-based deformations
Tao Ju, Qian-Yi Zhou, Michiel van de Panne, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Ulrich Neumann
Higher order barycentric coordinates
Torsten Langer and Hans-Peter Seidel
Mean value Bézier maps
Torsten Langer and Hans-Peter Seidel
Green coordinates
Yaron Lipman, David Levin, and Daniel Cohen-Or
Polyhedral finite elements using harmonic basis functions
Sebastian Martin, Peter Kaufmann, Mario Botsch, Martin Wicke, and Markus Gross
Boundary element formulation of harmonic coordinates
Raif M. Rustamov
Barycentric coordinates computation in homogeneous coordinates
Vaclav Skala
Extended finite element method on polygonal and quadtree meshes
Alireza Tabarraei and N. Sukumar
Voronoi-based interpolants for fracture modelling
N. Sukumar and John E. Bolander
Variational harmonic maps for space deformation
Mirela Ben-Chen, Ofir Weber, and Craig Gotsman
Spatial deformation transfer
Mirela Ben-Chen, Ofir Weber, and Craig Gotsman
Transfinite mean value interpolation in general dimension
Solveig Bruvoll and Michael S. Floater
Transfinite mean value interpolation
Christopher Dyken and Michael S. Floater
Coordinates for instant image cloning
Zeev Farbman, Gil Hoffer, Yaron Lipman, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Dani Lischinski
On the injectivity of Wachspress and mean value mappings between convex polygons
Michael S. Floater and Jiří Kosinka
Poisson-based weight reduction of animated meshes
Eric Landreneau and Scott Schaefer
Interior distance using barycentric coordinates
Raif Rustamov, Yaron Lipman, and Thomas Funkhouser
Complex barycentric coordinates with applications to planar shape deformation
Ofir Weber, Mirela Ben-Chen, and Craig Gotsman
Discrete Laplacians on general polygonal meshes
Marc Alexa and Max Wardetzky
Error estimates for generalized barycentric interpolation
Andrew Gillette, Alexander Rand, and Chandrajit Bajaj
Bounded biharmonic weights for real-time deformation
Alec Jacobson, Ilya Baran, Jovan Popović, and Olga Sorkine
Positive Gordon–Wixom coordinates
Josiah Manson, Kuiyu Li, and Scott Schaefer
HOT: Hodge-optimized triangulations
Patrick Mullen, Pooran Memari, Fernando de Goes, and Mathieu Desbrun
Quadratic serendipity finite elements on polygons using generalized barycentric coordinates
Alexander Rand, Andrew Gillette, and Chandrajit Bajaj
Interpolated eigenfunctions for volumetric shape processing
Raif Rustamov
Video-based toon character from surface performance capture
Yann Savoye
Geometric computation, duality and projective space
Vaclav Skala
Jacobians and Hessians of mean value coordinates for closed triangular meshes
Jean-Marc Thiery, Julien Tierny, and Tamy Boubekeur
Affine generalised barycentric coordinates
Shayne Waldron
A complex view of barycentric mappings
Ofir Weber, Mirela Ben-Chen, Craig Gotsman, and Kai Hormann
Wachspress and mean value coordinates
Michael S. Floater
Gradient bounds for Wachspress coordinates on polytopes
Michael S. Floater, Andrew Gillette, and N. Sukumar
Local barycentric coordinates
Juyong Zhang, Balin Deng, Zishun Liu, Giuseppe Patanè, Sofien Bouaziz, Kai Hormann, and Ligang Liu
Geodesic based conformal mesh parameterization
Qiang Zou, Jibin Zhao, Yanguo Zhao, Guangbao Liu, and Haiyang Jin