EGRAs: Expression Grained Reconfigurable Arrays

Reconfigurable (or field-programmable) arrays are flexible architectures that can perform execution of applications in a spatial way---much like a fully-custom integrated circuit---but retain the flexibility of programmable processors by providing the opportunity of reconfiguration.

The ability to exhibit application-specific features that are not ``set in stone'' at fabrication time would suggest reconfigurable architectures as particularly good candidates for being integrated in customizable processors. Unfortunately, other drawbacks have kept reconfigurable arrays from becoming a largely adopted solution in that field. Among different factors, the performance and area gap that still exists with hardwired logic is certainly one of the most important. The problem of bridging this gap has been the focus of much research in the last decades, and important advances have been made. EGRAs provide an additional step which goes in the direction of decreasing such gap further.


Figure 1: Parallel between the evolution of fine-grained architectures from simple programmable devices to FPGAs (a and b), and the evolution of CGRAs from simple cells to the EGRA proposed here (c and d).

A walk through related historical background will help stating this research's aims and contributions. In the earliest examples of reconfigurable architecture such as the PLA (Programmable Logic Array), mapping of ``applications'' (Boolean formulas in sum-of-product form) is immediate.  In fact, each gate in the application is mapped in a 1-to-1 fashion onto a single gate of the architecture (Figure 1a).

However, this organization does not scale as applications to be mapped get more complex. For this reason, CPLDs and FPGAs instead use elementary components---PLAs themselves, or look up tables---as building blocks, and glue them with a flexible interconnection network.  Then, programming one cell corresponds to identifying \emph{more than one gate} in the Boolean function representation (Figure 1b).

Introducing this additional level is a winning architectural choice in terms of both area and delay, but such innovations cannot be successful unless algorithms are available to efficiently map applications to the new architecture---and indeed efficient algorithms came along to this purpose, e.g., FlowMap.

An orthogonal step was the introduction of higher granularity cells (Figure 1c). Fine grain architectures provide high flexibility, but also high inefficiency if input applications can be expressed at a level coarser than boolean (e.g. as 32-bit arithmetic operations). Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) provide larger elementary blocks that can implement such applications more efficiently, without undergoing gate-level mapping.

A variety of CGRA architectures exist but the process of mapping applications to current CGRAs is usually of the sort: a single node in the application intermediate representation gets mapped onto a single cell in the array (again, 1-to-1 mapping). Instead, the architecture we propose in this research (Figure 1d) employs an array cell consisting of a group of ALUs with customizable capabilities.  We consider this the moral equivalent of the switch from single gates to LUTs that characterizes modern fine grain reconfigurable architectures.  We call this cell RAC (Reconfigurable Alu Cluster), and the architecture that embeds it EGRA (Expression Grained Reconfigurable Array).  

This allows new and more efficient uses of CGRAs, for example by enabling implementation of application-specific functional units in a customizable processor.  However, such a change has to be supported by compilation technology: the proposed architecture would make little sense without a compilation flow able to map efficiently onto it.  For this reason, this research also explores how a compiler can aid in the architectural exploration of the granularity of the cell. See:

Giovanni Ansaloni, Paolo Bonzini and Laura Pozzi Design and Architectural Exploration of Expression-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Application Specific Processors, Anaheim, Calif, June 2008.