CSCI 6268: Foundations of Computer and Network Security

Computer systems and communication networks manage and transport an impressive amount of critical information. Information, the ability to process it, and the ability to move it, are vital for many functions of a modern society. Think about the critical role of information systems within the banking system (management and movement of money), the air-traffic control system and the railway systems (movement of people, food, oil, coal), the power grid (production, management, and transportation of energy). Also consider how much governments, corporations, educational institutions, and ultimately every individual is dependent on information systems.

Clearly, information and information systems are extremely valuable assets that must be protected from theft, misuse, tampering, destruction, and unauthorized access.

Computer and network security is the branch of computer science that studies methods and techniques to achieve this kind of protection. This course introduces some foundational topics of computer and network security, including:

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