C l r Freq C F G Printer :

is an LLVM plugin developed by me, under the supervision of Prof. Laura Pozzi. It is a tool for Color Frequency Annotated Control Flow Graphs Generation, as was presented in EuroLLVM 2017.
Below you can find the slides and the document from the Lightning Talk presentation in EuroLLVM, as well as Github and direct links to download and install it. Detailed description regarding installation and usage are included in the README file of the package. If you find it useful and use it to your work, please cite the respective document.
G. Zacharopoulos and L. Pozzi. ClrFreqCFGPrinter: A Tool for Frequency Annotated Control Flow Graph Generation. In European LLVM Developers Meeting 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany, Mar. 2017.

- EuroLLVM 2017 Lightning Talk document cite
- EuroLLVM 2017 Lightning Talk presentation slides
- Github repository

You can also directly download the whole package by clicking here.