Patrick Eugster
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Faculty of Informatics
Via la Santa 1
CH-6900 Viganello
Switzerland |
Phone: +41 58 666 4913
Fax: +41 58 666 4536
Office: Campus EST, Office D2.07
I'm a full professor at USI where I lead the Software Systems (SWYSTEMS) group. SWYSTEMS is part of USI's Computer Systems Institute, of which I am a founding member and current director. Prior to that I was a regular
faculty member at Purdue
University (2005 - 2016) and TU Darmstadt
(2014 - 2017). I have also been a visiting faculty member at MIT (2012/2013). I had the privilege to serve as program chair of ACM OOPSLA'15. Throughout the years I had the pleasure to collaborate with, and receive support from, several corporate partners including Amazon, Cisco, Facebook, Google, HP, IBM, NetApp, and SAP.
I'm interested in various aspects of distributed software
systems. Distribution is here to stay as it is a choice often made consciously to address limitations of single computers (e.g., to parallelize computations), but, almost more importantly, it is frequently a given with applications allowing humans to interact directly or indirectly through respective devices. Challenges arise from the need of achieving efficiency without forfeiting consistency in corresponding applications, in the presence of failures and security threats.
09/24 Paper on better web caching accepted at ACM HotNets '24
04/24 Paper on comprehensive data center monitoring and management accepted at IEEE ICDCS '24
03/24 Paper on first steps towards quantum network specification and verification accepted at ACM PLDI '24
12/23 Startup project Securified ranked third place at BoldBrain startup challenge
12/23 Paper on network function chain scheduling leveraging reinforcement learning accepted at IEEE INFOCOM '24
11/23 Seed grant from Hasler Foundation for our work on quantum network specification and verification
10/23 Paper on robust control for 6G Networks to appear in IEEE Network
10/23 Talk on mediating between different security mechanisms and guarantees at workshop on software abstractions for hardware security
08/23 Paper on CHC model validation with proof guarantees accepted at iFM '23
07/23 Paper on challenges in quantum network verification accepted at QuNet '23
05/23 Keynote talk on confidential computing at ACM DEBS '23
04/23 Paper on mechanism-independent confidentiality-preserving data analytics accepted at ACM PLDI '23
03/23 Paper on control theory for data center network congestion control to appear in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Please check DBLP or similar sites.
- Dynamic service function chaining. Supported by Hasler Foundation
- Hybrid asynchronous/synchronous distributed systems. Supported by Swiss National Science Foundation grant # 200021_197353 and Facebook Research in Distributed Systems
- Network flow prediction. Supported by Hasler Foundation, Cisco Systems Inc., and Swiss National Science Foundation grant # 200021_192121
- Secure cloud-based data analytics. Supported by DARPA
grant # N11AP20014, Northrop Grumman Cybersecurity Research
Consortium (NGCRC), Cisco Systems Inc., NSF TWC grant # 1421910, Amazon AWS, Hasler Foundation, Facebook Research in Security, and BMBF through research center CRISP
- Lightweight verification of distributed systems software. Supported by
European Research Council Consolidator grant # FP7-617805, and Hasler Foundation
past projects
- Secure anomaly detection for the IoT. Supported by SensorHound Inc. and Hasler Foundation
- Holistic network resource management and monitoring. Supported by DFG through research center # 1053 MAKI subprojects B1 and B2
Elastic and robust cloud programming. Supported by NSF CSR grant
# 1618923
- Resource-efficient remote monitoring and diagnostics for
cyber-physical systems. Startup company SensorHound Inc. supported by
NSF SBIR phase 2 grant # 1345940
- Geo-distributed data processing. Supported by DARPA grant #
N11AP20014, Google, and NetApp
- Least
privilege enforcement through secure threads. Supported by
NSF TC grant # 1117065
- A methodology for developing complex event-based software.
Supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and DARPA
- Seamless
cloud computing. Supported by Purdue Research Foundation
(PRF), grant # 204533
- Memory
management innovations for future generation SMP.
Supported by NSF CSR grant # 0834619
- Debugging
pervasive systems. Supported by NSF CSR grant # 0834529, with X.
- Pervasive
programming with event correlation. Supported by NSF
CAREER grant # 0644013
upcoming and recent events
Current team members (by role and alphabet. order)
Former team members (by role and chronol. order)
- Tzu-Chun Chen (postdoc). Now client analytics manager at Visa
- Srivatsan Ravi (visiting
assistant professor). Now assistant professor at University of Southern California
- Vinaitheerthan Sundaram
(postdoc, PhD student co-advised with X. Zhang). Now CEO (and founder) at SensorHound
- YoungTae
Noh (postdoc). Now associate professor at Korea Institute of Energy Technology
- Masoud Saeida Ardekani
(visiting assistant professor). Now researcher at Google Cloud
- Kirill Kogan (postdoc).
Now research senior lecturer (associate professor) at Ariel University
- Seema Kumar (PhD). Now principal engineer at Harman
- Danushka Menikkumbura (PhD), co-advised with S. Fahmy. Now software engineer at Microsoft
- Malte Viering (PhD). Now researcher at SAP
- Patrick Jahnke (PhD). Now head of cloud services innovation office at SAP
- Marcel
Blöcher (PhD). Now researcher at SAP
- James
Lembke (PhD). Now assistant professor at Milwaukee School of Engineering
- Bo Sang (PhD). Now scientist at Ant Group
- Savvas
Savvides (PhD). Now software engineer at Fortanix
- Weihang
Wang (PhD), co-advised with X. Zhang. Now
assistant professor at University of Southern California
- Terry Hsu (PhD). Now researcher at Apple
- Julian Stephen (PhD). Now researcher at IBM Research
- Aaron
Wilkin (PhD). Now assistant professor at Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology
- William Culhane (PhD). Now software engineer at Google
- Chamikara Jayalath (PhD). Now software engineer at Google
- Kevin Hoffman
(PhD). Now CTO at Axcient
- Jayaram Kallapalayam
Radhakrishnan (PhD). Now researcher at IBM Research
- Jacques Thomas (PhD), co-advised with J. Vitek. Now
software engineer at Snapchat
- Sebastien Baehni (PhD), co-advised with R. Guerraoui. Now CTO
at beqom
- Sidath Bandara Handurukande (PhD), co-advised with R. Guerraoui. Now analytics manager at Accenture
fellowships, and honors
- 2022 Research Award in Security - Meta
- 2020 Research Award in Distributed Systems - Facebook
- 2014 Innovators Hall of Fame Inductee - Purdue University
- 2014 Faculty Fellowship - NetApp
- 2014 Consolidator Award - European Research Council
- 2014 Graduate Student Mentoring Award - Purdue U. College of
- 2014 Engagement Award - Purdue U. College of Science
- 2013 Research Award - Google
- 2012 Professional Achievement Award - Purdue U. College of
- 2011 Experienced Researcher Fellowship - Alexander von
Humboldt Foundation
- 2011 Computer Science Study Group Member - DARPA
- 2010 Best Paper Award - ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware
- 2010 Undergraduate Student Advising Award - Purdue U.
College of Science
- 2007 CAREER Award - US National Science Foundation
- 2002 Advanced Researcher Fellowship - Swiss National Science
- 2002 Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowship - Swedish Research
- 2001 Prize of Excellence for an Exceptional Research
Contribution - EPFL
- 1998 Prize of Excellence for an Exceptional Teaching
Contribution - EPFL