Siena Fast Forwarding Documentation (v. 1.13.0)

This example shows how to iterate through a message. The same iteration model used in this example can be also be applied to filter and predicate objects.

#include <iostream>
#include <siena/types.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace siena;
class smart_message: public message {
// this class implements the message interface
// ...
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
smart_message m;
// ...
// here we do something with m
// and here we print out the message
message::iterator * i = m.first();
if (i != NULL) {
do {
cout << "attribute: " << i->name();
switch (i->type()) {
case string_id: cout << "string = " << i->string_value(); break;
case int_id: cout << "int = " << i->int_value(); break;
case bool_id: cout << "bool = " << i->bool_value(); break;
case double_id: cout << "double = " << i->double_value(); break;
cout << endl;
} while (i->next());
} else {
cout << "empty message!" << endl;