SSim C++ API documentation (v. 1.7.6)

This simplistic example illustrates the use of sequential processes, as defined by the Tprocess class.

#include <iostream>
#include <siena/ssim.h>
#include <siena/tprocess.h>
// this is a simple sequential process class. Producer holds the
// process id of a neighbor process.
class Producer : public ssim::TProcess {
Producer(ssim::ProcessId x): my_neighbor(x) {}
virtual void main();
ssim::ProcessId my_neighbor;
class Consumer : public ssim::TProcess {
virtual void main();
// a simple event class.
class E : public ssim::Event {
int x;
E(int n): x(n) {};
// this is the code executed by the Producer
std::cout << "Producer started" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
// the producer sleeps for some time here (100 + i time units)
std::cout << "Producer waiting for an event" << std::endl;
// the event we wait for here is the timeout we just set
// when we wake up after the timeout, we signal an event E to
// our neighbor Producer
std::cout << "Producer signaling value " << i << std::endl;
ssim::Sim::signal_event(my_neighbor, new E(i));
// this is the code executed by the Consumer
std::cout << "Consumer started" << std::endl;
for(;;) {
// the Consumer simply waits for incoming events, and prints
// their value
std::cout << "Consumer waiting for an event" << std::endl;
const E * x = (const E *)wait_for_event();
std::cout << "Consumer: at " << ssim::Sim::clock() << ": "
<< x->x << std::endl;
// the main function here sets up the simulation. This simulation
// consists of one Producer "connected" to a Consumer.
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
std::cout << "Program started" << std::endl;
ssim::Sim::create_process(new Producer(qid));
std::cout << "Simulation started" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Simulation ended" << std::endl;
// sure, I should delete p and q, but this is just an example...