CSCI 7000-001: Foundations of Computer and Network Security


Reading Assignment (20 November)

Due November 27, 2001

From "Security in Computing": read Sections 7.1--7.4.

Reading Assignment (15 November)

Due November 19, 2001

From "Security in Computing": read Sections 6.1--6.4.

Assignment 5 (November 6)

Due November 13, 2001 at 11:00

Design a combined packet-filter and proxy firewall for Friendly Research Inc., a generic research laboratory. The laboratory owns a class C network ( As the company name suggests, this company prefers a relatively open environment. Your design document should include:

Obviously, the filtering rules, combined with the configuration of proxies, should implement the given security policies. Auditing should also be coordinated with those policies.


Define a second-level firewall that implements an additional partition of the network of Friendly Research Inc. The purpose of this internal firewall is to protect administrative computers, that have more stringent security requirements. Again, for this firewall design, specify (sub)network topology, security policies, filtering rules, proxy configurations, and auditing and access control services.

Reading Assignment (30 October)

Due November 6, 2001

From "Security in Computing": read Section 9.5.

Read RCF 2401.

Read RCF 2246, focusing on Section 6 and Section 7.

Assignment 4 (October 23)

Due October 30, 2001 at 11:00

Implement a pair of programs: sslc and ssls that together realize a secure tunnel based on SSL. sslc is the `entrance' of the tunnel, while ssls is the `remote endpoint' of the tunnel. The synopsis of sslc and ssls are as follows:

sslc local-port ssls-host ssls-port remote-host remote-port [certificate priv-key]

ssls ssls-port [subject . . . ]

the parameters are:

The architecture of the tunnel is shown below:

Figure 1: Architecture of The SSL Tunnel Mechanism
ssl tunnel

It is not required that sslc and ssls handle multiple tunnels at the same time.


When run with one or more subject parameters, the ssl server ssls will require its clients (sslc) to authenticate themselves with a valid certificate. ssls will use a certification authority identified by a fixed certificate file.

The authentication of clients is performed on the basis of their names (i.e., their subject name as shown in their certificate). ssls will accept (SSL) connections from those clients whose subject name `matches' at least one of the subject parameters. For simplicity, a subject name matches a subject parameter if that parameter appears as a substring of that subject name. Remember that subject names are usually strings of the form /C=. . . /ST=. . . /\dots.

For example: a client presenting a certificate with the following subject name:

/C=US/ST=Colorado/L=Boulder/O=University of Colorado/OU=Dept. of Computer Science/CN=Antonio Carzaniga/[email protected]

would be correctly authenticated by a subject parameter such as Anto or Colorado.

A client will be set up to send its certificate whenever both certificate priv-key parameters are given.

Implementation Requirements

You must program this assignment either in C/C++ or Java. If you use C/C++ then your code must be compatible with a recent version of the GNU gcc/g++ compiler (either 2.9x or 3.x). If you use Java then your code must be compatible with Sun's JDK 1.3.x.

Obviously you should use a third-party implementation of SSL. If you use C/C++, please use the OpenSSL library. If you use Java then you may use any implementation, provided that it is compatible with Sun's JDK 1.3.x.

You must turn in your assignment in a single package, in the form of a TAR file (possibly compressed with gzip) or a ZIP file. Please include the following in your package:

Please send the package as a MIME-compatible attachment to [email protected].

Assignment 3 (October 9)

Due October 16, 2001 at 11:00

Set yourself up to communicate using PGP and SSL.

Set up public/private key pair for use with PGP. Set up a public/private key pair for use with SSL. Also obtain certificates for all your keys. For your convenience, I (the instructor) will act as a certification authority, so send your certification requests by e-mail to [email protected], or for better security, hand them to be personally on a floppy (during office hours).

Note: complete this part of the assignment before Friday October 19.

After Oct 19, I will distribute certificates to the class. At that point, add everybody else's public key to your PGP key ring.

Assignment 2 (25 September)

Due October 2, 2001 at 11:00

Implement a program mac that creates and verifies message authentication codes (MAC) for existing documents. The synopsis of mac is the following:

mac -c|-v filename

The first parameter determines whether the program works in create mode or verify mode.

In create mode, the program reads file filename from disk, reads the necessary key(s) from direct user input (keyboard input), and writes a message authentication code for the given file into another file. The name of the output file is obtained by appending the suffix .mac to the original file name. The following is a usage example:

  > ls
  > mac -c foo.txt
  Password: xxxxxxxxxx
  > ls
  foo.txt   foo.txt.mac

In verify mode, the program reads filename and filename.mac from disk. The program also reads the necessary key(s) from user's input, and verifies the integrity and authenticity of filename, printing an appropriate success or failure message. Example:

  > ls
  foo.txt  foo.txt.mac
  > mac -v foo.txt
  Password: xxxxxxxxxx

Use whatever (secure) message authentication method you prefer. Use either C/C++ or Java for your implementation. Do not implement any hash, symmetric, or public-key encryption function yourself. Instead, find the necessary implementations on the net. Also, write a README file (an ASCII text file) with a brief description of your program and with references to the external libraries you used.

Package the complete source code, including your source files, the README file, sources or binaries for the cryptographic functions you used, and any other necessary file (makefile, config files, etc.) into a ZIP or TAR archive file, and send that archive file as a MIME attachment to [email protected] before 11:00am on October 2 2001.

Reading Assignment (20 September)

Due September 25, 2001

From "Security in Computing": read Section 3.4, finish reading Chapter 4 (pp. 144-172), and read Section 9.3.

You may also want to consult the following reading material:

Assignment 1 (2 September)

Due September 11, 2001 at 11:00

  1. When you submitted the on-line Student Survey form last week (assuming you did so), you were exposed to a number of security threats.
    1. define and describe a reasonable access control policy for the Survey and for the submission process. E.g., one element of a reasonable policy would be that only the instructor is allowed to see everybody's survey.
    2. enumerate and describe all the threats you were exposed to, with respect to that policy. E.g., student A could violate confidentiality of the submission of student B.
  2. Explain the difference between discretionary and mandatory access control.
  3. The Unix user/profile access control model is intended to be simplistic for the sake of efficiency, that is, to allow the implementation of efficient enforcement mechanism at the OS kernel level. Formulate an access control policy involving three subjects: users carlo, paolo, and giovanni, and four objects: a file foo.txt, a file bar.txt, an executable prog.exe, and a special output device /dev/special, that can not be represented within the Unix-style user/profile access control model. In doing that, feel free to make all the necessary assumptions about the functionality of prog.exe and /dev/special and the potential relations to files foo.txt and bar.txt. For example, you may assume that prog.exe needs write access on /dev/special and read access on a file.
  4. Study the documentation for the sudo tool, and write a configuration file for sudo that realizes the access control policy you specified for the previous exercise.
Material: sudo documentation: web page, sudo manual page, and configuration file manual page

Reading Assignment (2 September):

Due September 13, 2001

From "Security in Computing": read intro to Chapter 2, sections  2.1, 2.2 up to page 48, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, intro to Chapter 3, sections 3.1, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, and Chapter 4 up to page 144.

Reading Assignment: Chapter 1

Read Chapter 1 of "Security in Computing".

Assignment 0: Survey Form

fill out the Student Survey Form. It should take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Due date: Thursday, August 30th, at 10:00 MDT.

this page is maintained by Antonio Carzaniga, $Date: 2002/02/01 16:30:05 $